Watch The Game of My Life (2014) : Full Movie Online Free The Game of My Life (Um Dlalo Wempilo Yami) revolves around Joe, a young aspiring soccer player living in a settlement, who thinks his dreams have come true when he comes face to face with a national soccer hero who takes an interest in his talent. Unfortunately, 8 years later, Joes circumstances have changed dramatically. He has been forced to take care of his two younger siblings following the sudden death of their parents, and his soccer dreams have been halted. But when the same soccer hero sends him a VIP ticket to the big game in Johannesburg, Joe becomes determined to get himself to the stadium and prove to his idol that he still has what it takes. Thus begins Joes journey to the big game, at times fraught with danger, at others landing him in the middle of surreal comic situations, and all the while teaching him valuable lessons about love, friendship, family, following your dreams, and ultimately what lifes all about!